Sunday, March 28, 2010


Grady really likes to eat. Especially apple sauce.

and Zoey......well, she likes the idea of eating more than eating itself. I like this photo because it reminds me to slow down and appreciate my little rasberry. I get so involved in pushing my agenda (like getting food into stomachs so blood sugars can normalize and cells can do their job so my kids can grow etc, etc.) that I forget to stop and simply let them enjoy and experience putting rasberries on little fingers.
The art of eating.

Meet Bagel-man

Lunch can often be a tedious process but bagel-man seemed to make eating a little more enticing. Somedays I feel like patting myself on the back for the small victories like the invention of bagel-man. Somedays, I feel like I am bagel-man......I will let you make the inference.


  1. i recognize that finger trick! love the pics of the kids! love you all!

  2. Love it! I too, just try to get C to stop the never ending soliloquy to simply get some food in her.
